How Can We Help You?

Are you a startup or solopreneur looking to develop your company’s branding for the first time? Or maybe you’re an established business looking to elevate your branding approach & need help managing all of your design projects.

For many people, working on branding & marketing materials is always on the list of to-do’s but it can be difficult to know how or where to start. Type A will work with you to identify your objectives, develop a comprehensive brand strategy, and create a visual identity to help you start reaching your dream customers.

Ways We Support You

  • Chicago Branding Guidelines

    Custom Branding

    Whether you’re a company that’s just starting out, or established businesses looking for a refresh, we offer custom branding packages. We’ll work together to uncover what makes your business unique and use that information to develop a custom brand strategy & visual identity system that will help you better connect with your customers.

  • Chicago Branding PowerPoint Design

    Graphic Design Support

    We understand that even with an in-house design team, there are times you may need extra support to manage new projects & deadlines. That’s where Type A comes in! With extensive experience working for professional services firms, we know how to develop new projects (and jump into existing ones) while adhering to strict brand guidelines.

  • Chicago Branding and Graphic Design

    Design Retainers

    Running your business is hard work, but your design projects don’t need to be. If you’ve been spending too much time DIY-ing your materials, or have been putting off a long list of to-do’s, it’s time to set up a Design Retainer! Let Type A be your personal designer to work through your to-do list so that you can spend your time working on your business.

Our Offerings:

What We can do for You


✓ Brand Strategy & Visual Identity Design

✓ Marketing Materials

✓ Branded Print Collateral

✓ Annual Reports

✓ Presentation Design

✓ Social Media Graphics & Templates

✓ Digital & Print Brochures

✓ And More…


Find Your Perfect Fit

All brand strategy packages include the option to add additional deliverables at the project start. Additional deliverables may result in additional fees and a longer project timeline.

Only Interested in Strategy?

If you’re not ready to dive into developing a full visual identity just yet, but want to gain more insight, focus, and clarity into your business, then a Strategy Session is for you! We’ll work together to customize a plan for a personalized strategy call that will go over different facets of your business and after our strategy session, you’ll walk away with your personalized Brand Strategy Playbook.

Investment: Starting at $1,200

Strategy session payment can be applied to any brand package pricing. Brand package must be booked within 3 months of the strategy session.

The Branding Process

  • 1. Explore

    We’ll kick off your project with a pre-session questionnaire that will get your gears turning on some of the topics we’ll cover in the strategy session. Once you’ve sent your completed questionnaire back, then it’s time for the fun part—discovering the “why” of your business! We’ll schedule your brand strategy session (which typically runs between 1.5-2 hours long) and start our deep dive into your company. Since intentional design is rooted in strategy, we’ll define your company’s brand heart and values, conduct a competitive analysis, and identify your company persona, along with a handful of other great topics that will help us more effectively develop your company’s visual identity.

  • 2. Develop

    Once the exploration phase is complete and you approve the brand strategy and art direction, we will get to work on the development of the visual identity system. This process uses what we uncovered in the strategy session to inform all design decisions and acts as the foundation (the “why”) behind the overall design approach. You will receive a design presentation with two branding concepts that includes real-world mockups to help you visualize how your new brand will look in action. From there, we’ll use your feedback to refine one concept until it perfectly aligns with your new brand strategy.

  • 3. Implement

    After you approve the visual identity system, it will be time to implement your new look! You’ll receive all final files in full color, black, and white optimized for both digital & print usage. In addition to the final files, you will receive a comprehensive brand guidelines manual. The manual will outline the various elements in your visual identity system, and provide suggestions on how to use them throughout your business with confidence.

What is a Brand Strategy & Why do you Need One?

In order to talk about what a brand is, we need to discuss the elephant in the room:

Your logo is not your brand.



And you know what else isn’t a brand: your corporate identity system, colors, packaging, or even your product or service.

Wondering what your brand actually is? Well, your brand is the feeling your customers get when they think of and interact with you. That's right—your brand is something your customers get to decide.

Even though your brand is defined by your audience, there are steps you can take to help guide them. That’s where brand strategy comes in!

When developing a brand strategy, you’re isolating the “WHY” behind your business to find where your values & goals overlap with your audience’s needs.

Using that information, you can then align every other aspect of your business to support that strategy. This, in turn, influences how you approach elements like your logo, voice, messaging, and absolutely everything!

Graphic Design Support:

Ditch the DIY —
We’ll Tackle Your Design To-Do List for You


Even small businesses can require a significant amount of design work, and that design can require a lot of time and effort—time you could be spending on other areas of your business.

While DIY-ing can be a great starting point, once it starts taking up too much of your time or makes you want to throw your laptop across the room, it’s time to bring in the pros to tackle your design needs for you!

Collateral Design

Brochures, social media graphics, email blasts, presentations—all of these can play an important role in helping your business grow, but they all require a significant amount of time to create. When providing design support, we work with you to identify what your needs are and suggest the best approach for your goals.

Template Creation

Design templates are a great way to maintain consistency (and save time) for projects in frequently used formats! Whether it’s PowerPoint presentations, newsletters, or anything else you create on a regular basis, we can create templates that will ensure your materials look consistent—and are on-brand—each time.

Design is the silent ambassador of your brand.

— Paul Rand

Book Yourself a Personal Designer

Ever wish there were more hours in a day? Us too!
As much as we’d love to, we can’t give you more hours, but what we can do is help free up some of your day by tackling your design project list for you!

If you’re a small business or solopreneur with a long list of design tasks that keep getting pushed to the back-burner, a Design Retainer could be the perfect solution for you!

You can set up a retainer for a set number of hours to be used monthly, quarterly, or even book Type A all to yourself for an entire 8-hour workday to help you knock out your design tasks. You will have our undivided attention dedicated to your projects, and once our day is complete, you’ll receive a package of ready-to-go files in addition to a full week of email support following your designer day.

What to Expect When you Book a Designer Day

Consultation Call

Once you’ve submitted your request for a designer day, we’ll schedule a call to go over the ins & outs of how the day will work, what projects you need completed, and any other questions that might come up.

Project Planning

After our call, you’ll receive a project planning questionnaire that will be due five days before your design day, along with any relevant copy, images, log-ins, etc. that will be needed to complete your project list.

Design Day

This is when the magic will happen! Type A will be dedicated to your projects all day, and will be checking in periodically for feedback to make sure everything is heading in the right direction.

Final Files

Once all of the deliverables are approved at the end of your design day, all final files will be packaged up & sent to you the next day. You’ll have a week of email support for any questions or minor tweaks.

Retainer Packages Starting at $500

Designer days are currently only offered for companies in US time zones.


Our company had a website, sales materials, and what we thought was a brand. We used Type A Creative Solutions with the intention of strengthening our marketing strategy, but we did not anticipate how impactful the results would be....In addition to all of the insights about brand, audience, and competition, we received invaluable guidance around our messaging, marketing platforms, and digital marketing strategy. Type A Creative took our company to the next level and completely redefined our marketing mindset.

— Patrick, Management Consultant