The Type A Blog

Where Ambitious Types Come to Learn

Cali Stefanos Cali Stefanos

The Origin Story Effect

Batman. Superman. Harry Potter.

What do these three characters have in common? They all have famous origin stories—the events that made them who they are. And like superheroes, brands need origin stories. (Although most brand origin stories won’t be as dramatic as the story behind “the boy who lived”.) 

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Cali Stefanos Cali Stefanos

Unlocking Your PowerPoint Potential

Depending on your industry, the Fall can be an extremely busy time for pitches, proposals, meetings, and conferences.⁠ ⁠And if staring at a blank deck stresses you out, or you’d rather be using that time doing one of the million other things on your to-do list, know you’re not alone.

⁠⁠Even if you don't have your own in-house design team or PowerPoint specialist to help spruce up your slides, there's a few easy steps that you can take to create a streamlined presentation that not only looks good, but engages your audience!⁠⁠

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Cali Stefanos Cali Stefanos

5 Ways to Refresh your Brand

But even if it’s not the right time for a custom solution, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t devote any time or attention to your branding after all, there are many benefits to branding and it’s important for businesses regardless of their size.  ⁠

The good news is that custom solutions aren’t the only way to streamline your branding— there are still some steps you can take in the meantime! ⁠

Here are 5 things you can do right now to help update your branding: 

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Cali Stefanos Cali Stefanos

Brand Guideline Breakdown

Imagine this—You just wrapped up your branding project and opened up a zip folder to see dozens (and quite possibly, hundreds) of final files. You’re excited for all your shiny new branding elements, but then a thought creeps into your mind: “How am I going to keep up with all of this? I’m not a designer.”

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Cali Stefanos Cali Stefanos

Branding 101: As Told by a Bot

So I logged into ChatGPT and asked a simple question: Can you write a blog post about branding?

In about 5 seconds, the following post came through the chatbot, just like this - with no edits from me.

Here it is: Branding 101 as told by a bot

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