The Type A Blog

Where Ambitious Types Come to Learn

Cali Stefanos Cali Stefanos

Design Asset Overview

Once your branding project wraps up, your designer will digitally hand off your final project folder that contains dozens (and likely even hundreds!) of design files. ⁠⁠

And while the mountain of files will ensure that you’re ready to take on any design-related situation that comes your way, sorting through all of the files and understanding when/how to use each one can be confusing & overwhelming. ⁠

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Cali Stefanos Cali Stefanos

Is One Concept Better than Two?

As the saying goes, the customer is always right. But in this case, we had been designing for the wrong customer all along!

Designers (and our clients) were focused on the design client as the customer, but in reality their customers were the ones that we needed to design for. After all, that’s who would eventually be buying the products & services!

And so, the One Concept Method started to take hold in the industry.

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Cali Stefanos Cali Stefanos

Giving Great Feedback

Some people are really great & confident when it comes to giving feedback and others find it to be more challenging. It’s a completely normal if giving design feedback feels intimidating to you, especially for those who may be working with a designer for the first time. Remember that it’s OK to not know specific design terminology and your designer won’t expect your feedback to be filled with technical design terms.

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Cali Stefanos Cali Stefanos

The Benefits of Branding

When we hear the word “investment”, our minds are typically driven to the more common types of investments—the stock market, cryptocurrency, even real estate. But when it comes to your own business, there are different ways that you can approach investments to help you grow over time. And one of those ways is through marketing & branding efforts.

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Cali Stefanos Cali Stefanos

All About Archetypes

Did you know that brands have different personalities, just like we do? Well, maybe not just like we do...

Even though we might not consciously think about it, we assign personalities to brands in our minds. These perceptions are guided by branding, messaging, missions, and more! (Which is why nailing your brand strategy is so important!)

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Cali Stefanos Cali Stefanos

Inside the Branding Process

You may be wondering how to go from point A to point B where your branding resonates with your target market. While every designer & agency might have a slightly different approach to the branding process or use different names for each phase, the overarching structure will be similar: Onboarding, Discovery, Design & Refinement, Implementation.

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